We charge on a fee for service basis which may be calculated as:

  • A fee for a single advisory or technical service
  • A fee for a specific period of time such as hourly, daily or weekly
  • A fee to undertake a contract or project as required over a period of time -such as a yearly contract to provide specific services
  • A base contract fee plus a charge per animal in the herd or flock

A mark up fee may apply to materials used or dispensed to cover our distribution, handling or prescribing costs.

Our fees may include provision for technical, non-technical, or veterinary professional inputs, each of which may be charged at different rates.

Our fees may also include the cost of services provided by other organisations or facilities such as the Animal Health Laboratories- including our costs for processing and submitting specimens on a client's behalf.


Mileage and travel: Veterinarians in rural areas have always tried to find an equitable way of charging fees to cover travelling time and vehicle costs. We attempt to minimise these fees to clients by undertaking rounds, but in some circumstances, we have to charge the cost of our travelling time as part of our fees.


To telephone our office from anywhere in rural Western Australia:

Freecall 1800 651 226

This service is NOT available from the metropolitan area or from outside Western Australia.

Click on the links below for further information

Copyright Austbreed 2001-2003